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Showing posts from 2013

15 years of joy...

My heart simply cannot contain the sadness and pain I am feeling right now. Seeing my baby wasting away for unknown reasons is killing me inside. There is nothing more in this world that I want than to see my baby be back to his greedy fat old self. I would trade a few years of my life just to get him back in the pink of health. :'(
Sometimes we treat strangers way better than how we would treat our love ones. With strangers, friends or colleagues, we learn how to control our tempers, hold back mean words, treat them with respect (which they might not necessarily deserve). With our love ones, it’s the total opposite, unleashing the inner assholes in us. Maybe we have been putting up a façade in front of others all day, making it so tiring for us to keep it up when we are home. Time and again we have to remind ourselves who are the ones that truly matters to you; THEY are the ones that deserve love and respect, not acquaintances you know. So if you are a different person when you are in your comfort zone, ask yourself this: Why? Be honest to yourself and rediscover yourself. Be good to the ones that truly love you and treasure you, they are not the ones judging you even though they might have seen the worst of you. XOXO, Mabel