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travel travel travel

Oh my gosh... I realised I have been doing quite a fair bit of travelling this year alone. My aim was always to travel out of Singapore at least 3 times a year, and this year alone, I'm doing 2 years worth of travelling!

I have been to Koh Samui, Koh Tao, Koh Pah Ngan as part of my Contiki trip, KL for company retreat, Taiwan for DB race and Sydney for work. All just in the first 7 months of this year... Upcoming trips I have planned are to Shanghai and Putra Jaya for DB races.. So all in, I'll be travelling a total of 6 times just this year alone. Think that means next year I can skip all my travels le... As if! =D

All this travelling is tiring me out... Hahaha... Couldn't believe I will be saying this at all because travelling is one of my love... Heh. But then again, I will never say no to travelling lah... because it's always exciting exploring new places outside of Singapore :)

I realise that when I'm overseas, I'm not that into all the touristy stuff. I like knowing how the locals go about their daily lives, seeing where they stay, what they eat. It makes the overseas experience more worthwhile as compared to seeing all the glitz meant to be shown to tourists. I like a good combination of both lah if possible =D

Having said so, I am glad that my DB team provides me with the opportunity to compete overseas! Gives me new excitement and reason to look forward to travelling again :)) Hopefully I can get to row in September, if not I'll be the loudest supporter ;)

Can't wait for September! ^.^


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