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simply can't wait =)

Will be embarking my SQ flight to Shanghai soon! In fact, it's only 8 more hours away! ^.^

This trip to Shanghai will be to compete in another dragonboat race. There will be 2 segments to it, long distance of 3km, and short distance of at least 500m. Have been training hard for it just hoping to receive an overseas medal. I'm praying really hard that my team will be able to achieve it this time round.

Can't believe time flew pass so quickly! Feels as if it's just yesterday when our coach brought to our attention this Shanghai race =D

Not only am I excited about this race, I'm also excited about my first overseas trip with <3! Just can't wait to spend even more quality time with him. =)

Too bad I will be missing my nephew's first month celebration on Sunday =( But that's just one more reason to motivate me to win that bloody medal ;)



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