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managing the new generation

How times have changed. They always say that policemen used to wear shorts as their uniform in the olden days, but not anymore. How apt this saying is in describing how things have revolved from the past to the present.

It is the same everywhere. As time passes you by, things change. Skycrapers are now the norm, sprouting out everywhere. Things change, so does people and their thinking.

I always believe that each individuals have their own way of thinking, their own definition of right and wrong. Some may be agreeable with you, while some may not. But that's why we are called individuals. It is all about tuning your own mindset, whether do you think it's worth tweaking what you believe for the greater good. If you are not agreeable, move on. Why harp on it and make you unhappy? Ok I've digressed... =D

Anyways, back to the main topic.

How businesses used to be managed may no longer be in context in this new era. Managing the new generation in the workplace may not be as clear cut as before. In the past, when the Boss says A, no one dares to say B. Maybe it's due out of respect, maybe it's fear of losing one's ricebowl, or maybe the workers are simply in awe of their bosses and find that everything he/she says must be right.

However, this no longer applies anymore. Raise your voice at the new generation and they might feel displeased and call it quits. It's just a job, not a matter of life and death. Most of them do not have any families to support anyways (at least not now), and neither do their parents requires their children's salary to make ends meet (at least most parents don't) as they are still working and financially independant themselves.

At the workplace, I sometimes hear other bosses raising their voices at their subordinates, it's like scolding young children. I do think at times they have forgotten that we are all working adults, no longer children. What you think is right, may NOT be right. One has to be open-minded and move on with the times. If the new generation is tuned this way, maybe the older generation can also fine-tune themselves. Let both generations meet at a common place, a mid-point. No point trying to force feed your ideologies on others.

Take for example a school environment. 10 or 20 years ago, when the teacher tells a student the answer is A, the student will take it as it is, why? Because the teacher is always right as what we have been conditioned.

Fast forward to the present times. When the teacher says the answer is A, the students might question why is it not B, C or D? They might think that B, C or D is also the correct answer. And don't be surprised, they might just be right! If the teacher listened to the students, the teacher is giving the students a chance to prove their point and also giving himself a chance to learn from the newer generation, let the young enrich his mind. How their minds tick might not be the same as before. There is no right or wrong answer, just good or bad explanation.

Use the same context in the work environment. Instead of dictating what one should or should not do, give the young some space to do what they think it right or wrong. This will let them learn along the way, and it will also benefit you as they might have some ideas that you may have never thought of or will never come across. It's all about compromise. Sure, things might not go the way you wanted it to, do it's up to you to decide whether or not to follow their way (if it's right), or whether or not they should follow your way (if you think you are right).

Before I end my note, I overheard someone's conversation the other time about the new generation not being filial to their parents anymore, unlike the past. My boss has also brought up this topic to me once before when we were having a casual chat. He mentioned that the youths nowadays are very 'me' centric, and no longer place others before self. However, I disagree to some extent as he is just stereotyping the entire generation. Not everyone is like that. It's just an assumption, like saying all dogs are fierce just because you yourself have been bitten by it once before. Yes, you may blame the new generation, but the parents are to bear some of the brunt too right? The parents are usually the independant ones, who are earning well and in good health now, hence they always tell their children that there is no need for the children to support them as they can support themselves. What message are they driving into their kids? They are conditioning their children that that there is no need to worry and take care of them. That they can go on to live their own preferred life totally independent. The children will plan their future without having to worry about their parents.

Fast forward to maybe 20 or 30 years later. The children have started their own family. The parents might be in bad health, and their savings are being used up for all these medical expenses. This is when the parents will regret what they have so proudly proclaimed years back.

I am NOT saying that the parents are to be blamed for the current youth's behaviour. But what I am saying is as a family, it is all about showering your love and support for one another. When you love your children and treat them with respect, they will recipocate back. You becoming a burden to them will never cross their minds, as all they ever knew is that they love you and taking care of you is a form of love, like how you have taken care of them your whole life.

Remember, what goes around comes around. Love is the greatest force of all.



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