This was written more than 5 years ago.... how time flies.
If I were a rich girl….
How I wish I’m rich… Not so that I can spend it on living the high life, but more because I am able to help those in need…
It has always been my dream to have loads of money, and to buy medical supplies and food for those people living in 3rd world countries. And I always think it’s ironic how one could spend thousands of dollars on bags or clothings and how that amount of money could save thousands of lives instead.
It is my goal to earn as much money as I can and retire in Africa helping those in need, be it people or animals. I am leading a comfortable life right now, and for that I am grateful. I am grateful that I need not worry about ongoing war in my background, I am grateful that I need not worry about not having food at all when I am hungry, I am grateful for having a job to help pay my bills, expenses and occassional trips overseas.
I want to be in a position to help, and to help those really in need. I have friends telling me that there are poor people in our country too, so why Africa? Well, the truth is, is our poor really that poor? Our government is always there to help in whichever little ways they can. There are many jobs available all around, it is just a matter whether one is willing to get dirty or not. Being a cleaner requires you to get dirty, but hey, if you are willing, the money earn is still able to buy you food. For those in 3rd world countries, even if they are more than willing to get dirty, there just isn’t any jobs they can do at all! People here worry about whether are we earning enough money to spend on items that we don’t need, items that we buy so as to impress people that don’t give a damn whether are we dead or alive. Whereas people there worry about whether will they be able to wake up to see another day. It’s true, that the people we help may not also care whether we are dead or alive, but helping others in the first place is not about hoping or asking for returns.
I ain’t no saint, that I admit. I too buy things I do not need, worry about not earning enough money to support my travel urges (which is a luxury itself). Time and again, I have to remind myself that I am very very fortunate. At times, it just gripes me that why aren’t the rich helping those in need in more ways than they really can… why… They have thousands and millions of dollars in their accounts, just 1%, 1 tiny % is able to support a few villages in Africa. Is’t that worth it?
It has also always been a dream of mine… to have a multi-national family. I told a friend before, that I would love to adopt children rather than have my own… cos it’s more gratifying to know that I am giving happiness to another child who was not as fortunate as myself (though it’ll be really interesting to know whether I’ll have twins since I’m an offspring of a twin, haa) Come to think of it, maybe this is the reason why I always tell my friends I love kids, but other people’s kids :D Why bring another child into this harsh reality when you can help another child that is already here, brought into this world not by their own free will, and abandoned cruelly. I don’t really like Angelina Jolie (don’t ask me why), but I respect her for her charity work, and for bringing happiness to her little brood. Oh, and this is also one reason why I hate not having enough money, because adoption is not cheap, tsk.
To end of this post, I just wanna say I simply cannot stand fakers. People who ‘help’ others so as to look good in front of cameras, to create a good image. If it’s not from your heart, spare the people you ‘help’ from the agony of receiving your ‘love’. I’d rather you just live your own life and be a cold hearted person rather than faking it. At least you will be true to yourself. There’s no need for you to act it out, no one cares what you do at the end of the day. If you help just so you will receive returns at the end of the day, what’s the point? really.
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